Coaching with Dr. Aliaa Remtilla
Aliaa’s Signature ‘Choosing Clarity’ Coaching Program
Being successful isn’t easy. You’ve worked hard and achieved so much already - yet you’re still yearning for more. You have this nagging guilty feeling about what’s not getting done. And so you try harder. And harder. But that angst won’t go away.
You’re not alone.
As an accomplished professional balancing multiple responsibilities, you know that for each decision we make, there’s a trade-off. Choosing to spend time with family means that work’s not getting done. Working late means missing soccer practice. Going to the gym feels like an indulgence you can rarely afford.
Trade-offs are a fact of life. But the nagging, angsty, guilty feeling is a choice.
Choosing Clarity is about reclaiming your agency. In this program, we uncover what’s holding you back by using anthropological and psychological methods to map what is (and is not) within your control and carve out a path for you to be more empowered to Choose with Clarity. So you can find peace with the inevitable trade-offs that come with all decisions - no matter how big or small.
The Choosing Clarity Coaching Experience helps high-achieving professionals go from overwhelmed to empowered in just 12 weeks - using Dr. Aliaa Remtilla’s unique, anthropology and integrative psychology-driven method.
What you get with Choosing Clarity
An Intimate, personalized experience with Dr. Aliaa Remtilla through:
6 x 60 min 1:1 bi-weekly Coaching calls
1 x 60 min 1:1 ‘Closing’ Session
Guided independent practice in between sessions
Access to Dr. Remtilla in between sessions via email & SMS
If you haven’t defined your New Way of Being by the end of our time together, I’ll continue to work with you until you do.
Caroline Lepron - Client
““Aliaa is a masterful coach who made me feel both deeply supported and productively challenged.
I came in with a massive task list that kept getting longer and longer - I felt overwhelmed and pulled in multiple directions.
I’m now able to make more considered decisions around how I spend my time. And because I’m able to root my decisions in what I want (and not what would please others), I feel so much more balanced.
I can actually say ‘no’ to someone without feeling guilty!!” ”
The story behind Choosing Clarity Coaching Experience
“The hardest thing I’ve had to learn in life is how to say ‘no’. I’ve always wanted to do everything - be the best at everything I do - and be everything that everyone in my life needs me to be. This way of life was fine when I was young - but as my family responsibilities increased, it got harder and harder to manage it all. It became too much. I felt stuck. Overwhelmed. Exhausted.
It all changed when I took a step back and gave myself the gift of reflection. I pulled together all that I’d learned from my research in anthropology, my exploration of integrative psychology, and my expertise in human resources. And I designed a method to map my life.
As I unpacked the contextual, relational and interior dimensions of my life, a New Way of Being blossomed into clarity. I started to see what mattered most to me. I felt empowered to choose. I could make tough decisions - like saying ‘no’ to people I cared about - without ruminating all night about how guilty I felt.
It’s this same process that I went through, that I offer to you. So that we can continue being the high-achieving professionals we are - but do it in a way that allows us to be at peace with the tough trade-off decisions we make every day.”
Dr. Aliaa Remtilla
To learn more about Aliaa, click here.