Limits work best when they're pushed

Inverting an expectation seems (to me) to be the most enjoyable path toward exceeding it.

  • In school, everyone joined the choir.  I joined the orchestra

  • In Canada, everyone plays ice hockey.  I played field hockey

  • On the field hockey team, everyone wanted to be a forward. I chose to be a goalie

  • Most doctors go to med school.  I got the title with a phd

  • Most people dye their hair to get rid of the whites.  I like the white

It started with wanting to be different.  But it has become much more than that.  

This world seems filled with arbitrary restrictions, norms and boundaries that mean well.  But following blindly rarely captures their underlying purpose.  All too often, we need to push the bounds in order to truly fulfill, if not exceed, the very expectations we have broken. 

Pushing the bounds means going the extra mile.  But doing so in a way that only you would do.  

Push the bounds.  Re-set them for yourself.  Then push the bounds once more.

Dr. Aliaa Remtilla is a life coach, published author & startup founder, who thrives when taking academic insights and translating them into practical applications - such as coaching and keynote speaking.

Aliaa is the kind of person who is successful at everything she does - and she’s done a lot:

  • Through Aliaa’s studies for a BA in Visual and Environmental Studies at Harvard University (USA) and an MA and PhD in Social Anthropology at the University of Manchester (UK), she honed her expertise in understanding and articulating the human experience.

  • As an ACADEMIC RESEARCHER, with both the Institute of Ismaili Studies (UK) and Simon Fraser University (Canada), Aliaa has conducted research across over 20 countries, including Afghanistan, Pakistan, Portugal, Tajikistan and Tanzania. She is an expert in identity work with historically marginalized adults (aged 18+) and has empowered thousands through her curriculum design, teacher training, lectures and workshops.

  • As a FILMMAKER, she practiced communicating complex academic insights into visual and experiential movies, that could be enjoyed by everyone.

  • As a NON-PROFIT EXECUTIVE, managing programs across three countries with over 600 employees and unpaid volunteers, Aliaa has gained deep HR expertise in volunteer engagement, cross-cultural team management, and motivational strategies.

  • As a PUBLISHED AUTHOR, Aliaa has become an expert storyteller. Her latest book offers a lens into the lives of Ismaili communities in East Africa, melding personal narratives with broader social contexts. Her blog, "AntHRo Insights," further extends her commitment to integrating anthropological insights into the realm of Human Resources.

  • As a SPEAKER, Aliaa is recognized for her engaging speaking style, having captivated audiences in North America, Europe, and Africa while on film and book tours. Aliaa’s initial training as a lecturer, coupled with her deep understanding of people and cultures, enables her to craft narratives that resonate on a human level.

  • As a STARTUP FOUNDER, with StoryTiling, Aliaa harnesses anthropological science and technology to enhance workplace relationships. Aliaa’s expertise in social research, data analysis, and qualitative research is central to helping companies create automated, yet personalized, impactful videos that celebrate 'moments that matter' in an employee's journey.

  • As a LIFE COACH, Aliaa takes her sophisticated understanding of human behaviour and combines this with her deep emotional intelligence to help high-achieving professionals go from feeling stuck & overwhelmed to finding peace, balance & fulfilment.

  • Aliaa is a polyglot with proficiency in over 5 languages. She is an athlete who has played field hockey at provincial, national and premiership levels. And she is a volunteer who serves on multiple non-profit boards.

Aliaa’s work is driven by a passion for understanding and articulating the human experience, and a belief in the power of our individual and communal stories to transcend barriers, connect people and create lasting impact.